Recommendation on the public consultation on the Europe 2020-strategy (10/16/2014)
This recommendation on own initiative has been prepared by the commission ‘international education and training policy’ of the General Council.
The recommendation focuses on expectations for the European and for the Flemish policy level.
As far as the European level is concerned, the Vlor pleads for a stronger social dimension and stronger impetus for an equal opportunities policy in education. There is hardly any attention for the learner, and his/her development perspective and needs.
In the field of governance mechanisms, the Vlor asks for more attention for the participation of civil society organizations in the field of education and training in policymaking. European policy has to leave sufficient room for broad Bildung concepts and for policy that takes into account national and regional characteristics and cultural traditions.
Coherence and transparency between the different processes has to be reinforced, and attention for implementation of policy measures in the system is needed.
The Vlor wants to add a third benchmark to the two existing benchmarks in Europe 2020 related to education and training. This third benchmark would take into account vocational education and training (initial VET as well as adult education and training). This benchmark would be complimentary to the to existing benchmarks related to early school leaving and higher education attainment.
As far as the Flemish level is concerned, it is important to translate European policy to Flemish policy. This includes a close follow-up and, where possible, influencing of the European cooperation frameworks, as well as a broad consultation of stakeholders on the way in which European benchmarks and objectives are translated into Flemish policy.