Recommendation on the prevention and approach of bullying at school (01/22/2015)
This recommendation at own initiative was prepared by a working group ‘Bullying at school’, discussed in several sub-councils and commissions, and approved by the General Council.
The representatives of the pupils stated, in the Vlor, that it is really time to give top priority to an anti-bullying policy. The other partners within the Vlor expressed their willingness to work, together with the involved authorities and with experts, on the preparation of this policy.
Bullying is not limited to the school. That’s why an anti-bullying policy also has to involve other actors, such as sports clubs, youth movements, organisations for wellbeing, media, policy, justice, social workers. The Vlor calls for a coordinated approach involving all the policy domains. The partners ask that the ministers in charge of education and training, youth, wellbeing and media agree on a common declaration.
Bullying is often taking place at school. Schools are already doing a lot in order to prevent bullying, or to solve bullying. But is the approach always effective? The Vlor concludes that there is too little research on the effectiveness of the approaches. And if there are research results, they are not always well translated to the educational practice. Schools have troubles in finding the approach that works; they need more support to fight bullying effectively.
An approach against bullying has to be embedded in a broad school climate, where the focus is on prevention. An anti-bullying policy fits within a health policy with attention for the mental wellbeing of the pupils.