Recommendation on mobility of staff (02/08/2011)
In its recommendation on student mobility of 24 June 2010, the Vlor concluded that staff mobility can have an influence on student mobility and stimulate internationalization. That’s why the Vlor Council for Higher Education decided – on its own initiative - to take a closer look at staff mobility, aiming to contribute to the elaboration of a Flemish action plan for mobility.
The Vlor insists on the added value of staff mobility in higher education. Staff mobility offers advantages for the individual, for the institution, for European Higher Education in a global context, and for society as a whole, which is more than ever international, multicultural and digital.
All staff members have to have the opportunity to take part in mobility: teachers, trainers, researchers, but also administrative and technical staff. The Vlor pleads for a balanced mobility, with incoming and outgoing mobility, intersectoral mobility and virtual mobility. The overall objective has to remain the brain circulation.
In order to face these new challenges, policy makers have to realize that extra financial efforts will be necessary.