Recommendation on the draft recommendation of the Council of the EU on early school leaving (04/28/2011)
The European reform programme Education and Training 2020 aims to reduce the number of early school leavers to 10% of the population. In this recommendation, the Vlor reacts on the draft recommendation of the Council of the EU.
The Vlor appreciates the European efforts to struggle against early school leaving. Together with the monitoring of the participation in Higher Education, it offers a balanced perspective that links with the social objectives of education. The recommendation is a good starting point for intensifying European cooperation in this field.
The Vlor, however, misses the perspective of the wellbeing of the student as a starting point for policy.
The recommendation insists on links between the reduction of early school leaving and other policy lines (the flagship initiative New Skills for New Jobs, and stimuli for second chance learning pathways). In this continuum, the Vlor would like to see a reference to the quality of early childhood education and care and an explicit attention for lifelong learning. Moreover, the role of stakeholders is not enough highlighted in the strategic vision.